Trainee Mineworker Program

The WM Trainee Mineworker Program is leading the mining services sector to address the skills shortage for technical operators.

WM underground operational employees require specific knowledge and skills in order to work safely in an underground environment. The purpose of our Trainee Mineworker Management Plan is to provide cleanskin employees with no prior black coal mining experience (ie less than 3 months) working in a NSW or QLD underground coal mine:

  • A targeted and structured training program
  • Supervision and mentoring from experienced WM personnel
  • Sufficient time to gain experience and familiarisation with the underground work environment while not being exposed to the risk of injury and illness
  • Development of skills to identify and manage hazards associated with daily work activities and environment.
  • Exposure to a broad range of skills and tasks in varied underground work contexts

Trainees undertake the nationally accredited RII30215 Certificate III in Underground Coal Operations course. WM has engaged an external Registered Training Organization (RTO) specialist to assist with the development and implementation of the program.

Metarock (ASX: MYE) is a leading Australian mining services group providing a diverse range of services and products to underground operations across the country.

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All Rights Reserved. ABN: 96 142 490 579

P: +61 2 4904 8222
E: enquiries@wilsonmining.com.au
A: 16 Metro Court, Gateshead NSW 2290

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